Front desk by lobby lounge area with mirror décor at Hotel Presidente Luanda

Location and contacts

Conveniently Located

The Hotel Presidente Luanda is located close to most of the Ministries and Banks and near the airport. The Port of Luanda is located on the opposite side of the 4 de Fevereiro Square, in front of Hotel Presidente in Luanda. Located in the heart of the city facing the Bay of Luanda, its guests can enjoy the beautiful view of this magnificent Bay and the Island of Luanda and its beaches. At dusk you will feel delighted with an amazing sunset over the Bay. In the Hotel Presidente you are in the center of Luanda and located just 7km from Luanda Airport

Contact us

Contact me by *
GDPR agreement *

Largo 17 de Setembro nº4 BP - 5791 - Luanda - Angola (Lat) ) -8.803528,(Long) 13.24180

+244 222 310 607